Sammelband „Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education. The Future is All-Over“ veröffentlicht

Der Band „Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education The Future is All-Over“, herausgegeben von Juuso Tervo, Kevin Tavin und Gila Kolb ist online erschienen. Es ist als Open Access verfügbar und kann auf der Seite Springer Link heruntergeladen werden. Damit sind nun einige Texte des Forschungsschwerpunkts Post-Internet Arts Education auch auf Englisch verfügbar.

In drei Teilen wird dem Post-Digitalen und der Kunstpädagogik nachgegangen:

Part I: How did we get here: Historical, theoretical, critical, and future oriented perspectives on post-digital and post-Internet art & education;

Part II: Why is this important for art education? Transdisciplinary networks, research, and subjectivities of the post-digital and post internet;

Part III: How can we create educational futures? Classroom and pedagogical practices examples of post-digital and post-internet art education.

Aus der Einleitung des Buches:

“The theoretical work and pedagogical examples in this book might help you to understand how this change might manifest; that is, how to shift your ideas of criticality teaching art in the post-digital, post-internet era, of the subject to sujet, and of particular understandings of what teaching and learning actually is for different generations than your own. The editors and authors of this book want to reach you, even if you see this book it in the same way Meyer’s students see emails, with our desire hope that you will make something with and from it. We hope that it not only meets new futures, but also helps to create them, again and again, even if, and especially because ‘it’s all over.”

Autor*innen: Kristin Klein, Robert W. Sweeny, jan jagodzinski, Konstanze Schütze, Aaron Knochel, Nora Sternfeld & Grégoire Rousseau, Torsten Meyer, Paula Kommoss, Gila Kolb, Manuel Zahn, Helena Schmidt, Annemarie Hahn, Timothy J. Smith, Jan G. Grünwald, Tomi Slotte Dufva und Helena Björk
