Vortrag von MELT (Loren Britton + Isabel Paehr) am 08.06.2021: fusing access, oozing barriers: trans*crip worlding as praxis

In this lecture we present works from our arts-design practice. We will set out to activate the practice of coalescing to discuss and propose trans* and neuroqueer ways of refusing access barriers and oozing expectations. Drawing from trans* feminism, crip technosc…

Read more Vortrag von MELT (Loren Britton + Isabel Paehr) am 08.06.2021: fusing access, oozing barriers: trans*crip worlding as praxis

Seminarreihe + Symposium „Critical Future(s) – Possible Procedures“

Im Sommersemester 2021 widmet sich die Seminarreihe + Symposium „Critical Future(s) – Possible Procedures“ der Vertiefung des  Semesterthemas. Die versammelten Seminare untersuchen aktuelle Narrative des Zusammenbruchs, thematisieren drängende Fragen des Anthropozä…

Read more Seminarreihe + Symposium „Critical Future(s) – Possible Procedures“