Gastvortrag von Melanie Bühler am 11.12.2019: KRITIK. Institutional Critique in the Age of Networked Capitalism

Abstract Institutional Critique is commonly defined as an art practice that questions, comments on, and criticizes the institutions involved in the production, display and commerce of art (e.g. museums, galleries, auction houses, artists‘ studios, the art market, and art criticis…

Read more Gastvortrag von Melanie Bühler am 11.12.2019: KRITIK. Institutional Critique in the Age of Networked Capitalism

Vortrag von Hans Bernhard am 07.07.2018: The Next Documenta Should Be Curated By A Machine

Abstract This talk covers abstract and very concrete perspectives on machine-curating, machine-learning, artificial intelligence, identity, anthropocentrism and humility. It seems as if machines are unwanted but highly controlled and economically exploited entities. This will not…

Read more Vortrag von Hans Bernhard am 07.07.2018: The Next Documenta Should Be Curated By A Machine